*You are in 3 month clothing.
*You usually have a rough time falling asleep at night, but then once you fall asleep, you are down for 10 hours. Mama's lovin' it :)
*You usually wake around 7:30 or 8. Mama's lovin' that too!
*You only stay awake 1-1.5 hrs before wanting a nap.
*You have mastered reaching for, grabbing and putting objects in your mouth. Thus everything is going in your mouth.
*You are pretty fascinated by big brother and I'm sure this won't end anytime too soon!
*You are such a happy baby. You always give people the biggest grins and your whole face lights up. And you love talking and being talked to.
*You are very content and can be laid down to entertain yourself most of the time (though I try not to do this very often).
*You are starting to be interested in books.
*You love that baby in the mirror. You love babies in general.
*You are not the biggest fan of the paci or swaddle still. You always get out of the swaddle, but it helps you fall asleep, so we are still continuing it. You only take the paci for about a minute of your naps. We have been transferring you out of your hammock bed, into your crib the last few weeks.
*You love being in the boba wrap, facing out. This is how we do our grocery shopping.
*You are much more used to sharing attention that Emerson is, but you do LOVE getting attention too :)
*You actually do pretty well with tummy time. You tolerate it quite awhile. Maybe this means you'll be a crawler?
*Daddy has given you tastes of watermelon, grape, and strawberries. You were really digging the watermelon.
*In your second month you got to fly on an airplane and visit a beach for the first time! You were not a fan of the beach (the wind and sun), but you did wonderfully overall. I hope that was the first girls weekend of many to come!
Lyla, you are darling and I love you so much. You bring joy and beauty to our lives and we thank God for the rich blessing you are. We pray for you daily and I eagerly anticipate seeing more of your personality be revealed. You are our girl.