Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Pregnant with Baby #2 at 16 weeks
Pregnant with Emerson at 17 weeks

Baby is growing!  Had an appointment today and the heartbeat was in  the 150's.  I have gained 4 pounds.  Other than that, nothing too new or exciting!  Except Emerson smashed his finger in a door while we were there, so the nurse gave him a sucker which pacified him the rest of the appointment.  Mental note: suckers are good at entertaining Emerson.  Oh, and I got a flu shot, which Emerson has not stopped talking about all day.  He thought my band aid was pretty cool stuff.


  1. Ha ha..I got my flu shot yesterday, too, and Jesse was really interested in my band-aid as well, and he kept screaming flu shot when we were at the pharmacy. Funny boys!

    You look great! I'll be in Fayetteville next week, so maybe we can get together for another park play date or something. I'll text you soon!

  2. You are a beautiful mommy-to-be again!! :) Also, I love your fall decor in the background! :)
