Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Name for Little Miss

I am 28 weeks pregnant now (hello third trimester!) and we have decided upon a name for little miss.  Drum roll please... She will be named Lyla Brooke.  We have liked Lyla for awhile now and it has remained at the top of the list for months, while other names moved up and down depending on the day.  The meaning is: one born at night, or resembling a lily.  Brooke is my middle name :)

In other pregnancy news, I had an appointment this morning and all is well.  I measure normally and the heart rate is good (about 148 bpm).  She was head down at our appointment today, which I was happy about.  I admit that this pregnancy is less comfortable and easy as the last one.  I feel huge and cannot believe I have 3 months left, but according to my doctor today my weight gain is about the same as the last pregnancy.  Basically, I have to push through it and be thankful that Lyla is healthy.

I feel her move several times a day.  She was crazy active during the second trimester, but I think she is either calming down or getting more squished in there, because her movements have not been quite so violent.  Emerson loves baby sissy "Wiwah" and gives her kisses and hugs and talks to her and is basically really sweet to her.  I hope and believe he will always be this kind of big brother. 

After being around my two nieces over Christmas, I am very excited to have a sweet baby girl and am also getting more excited to have two kids.  I just feel very blessed. 

In foster care news, we  are taking a placement tomorrow.   This will probably be a long term placement.  I don't think I can share very much except that she is a 7 year old girl.  Please say a prayer for us as I still get nervous when we get placements (we've had 2 short term so far).  Pray that we all adjust to one another well and that Caleb and I will have wisdom in parenting her and that we will see her through God's eyes and love her like He does.  Pray that His name will be glorified in our lives and in her life.  I appreciate it, friends. 


  1. Love the name! I can't wait to meet Miss Lyla. :) I will also be praying about your sweet 7-year old coming.

  2. I love the name Lyla! So pretty! Did you think about giving her an E name?

    1. We were open to both. Eliza was also near the top of our list.

  3. What a sweet name!! I'm so excited for you guys! Can't wait to meet precious Lyla!
